Jul 31Liked by John Buxton

I completely agree with you regarding Carlos Kleiber’s performances: The Orfeo version is far superior.

Pheraps, forced to name only one version , maybe it would be this.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Liked by John Buxton

What an amazing overview, thank you so much. Love your insight and especially Britten Sinfonia, Jordi Savall, Harnoncourt and the NDR recordings are now on my list. With my Continuo Connect hat on I am especially excited about the inclusion of a few period instrument performances.

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Thanks Kirsten! I really appreciate your message. Have a great day!

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Yes the Royal Edition is the 1964 version which I prefer. I also like Bernstein’s final recording at Tanglewood for sentimental reasons because Bernstein could barely walk or breathe. But it is very slow.

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Thanks so much for this review. I am headed to Tanglewood in 2 weeks for the BSO doing #7, and my friend and I are using your post as pre-concert homework! I've got the Karajan boxed set (vinyl) in my basement -- this was inspiration to lug it upstairs.

Unrelated question: I have a fairly large collection of classical CDs and some vinyl --all in good condition -- and I would love them to go into the hands of a music lover when I need to divest (or when it has to be done for me). I see lots of people unsuccessfully trying to sell CDs and vinyl on Marketplace. Used bookstores don't really want them, although sometimes they will accept them as a donation. Goodwill will take them as a donation. I even contacted the Music Department at a local university to see if I could donate them for students to pick over, and I was told that students don't listen to CDs (sigh). You may get questions like this a lot, but I'd be interested in your thoughts. I live in western Massachusetts, so not really close to a big urban center (2 hrs from Boston; 1.5 hrs from Hartford; 2.5 hrs from Albany).

Thanks for your service in providing these reviews! I plan to post something about your site in a Note on my substack site.

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Hi Hal, great question. I can certainly relate, as I still have all my CDs gathering dust in the basement (although I keep the liner notes for their educational and reference value). What about the public library? That would likely also be a donation. As you mention, I see CDs for sale online through Marketplace or Ebay, but I have the sense those CDs don't sell very well. There used to be a terrific used classical CD shop in western Mass called Berkshire Record Outlet...I have no idea if that place is still in business? If you search online they suggest schools or nursing homes. I'm probably not helping you much.

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Thanks so much, John! These are helpful. I hadn't heard of Berkshire Record Outlet, but will check it out. There is a newly expanded used book / record store in Greenfield, Roundabout Books, which will also accept donations. I hadn't thought about the nursing home idea -- that's closer to the right demographic. In any case, thank you for the great service you are providing to the world through your Substack. I'm happy I found you.

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Thanks for this overview. My favorite now is Szell, but the first one I heard has special place in my heart, and it was Bernstein with the NYP. Once again thank you.

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Hi Paulo, thank you so much for your message. Bernstein recorded the Seventh twice with the NYPO, I like the 1964 version better. Which do you prefer? I have always loved Bernstein and I am biased toward his recordings. So perhaps at times I overcompensate by not including his recordings. He was a terrific Beethoven conductor. Szell is great too of course.

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I don't know wich one is. My CD collection is at my parents house 😬. I mainly stream know. It is the Sony Royal Edition and I remember it was coupled with the Beethoven second.

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That one is the 1964 I believe, and I have the Royal Edition too. That’s the one I prefer, although Bernstein’s final recording at Tanglewood with BSO is a sentimental favorite because Bernstein could barely walk and barely breathe. But it is sloooow.

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I don't know wich one is. My CD collection is at my parents house 😬. I mainly stream know. It is the Sony Royal Edition and I remember it was coupled with the Beethoven second.

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I do love receiving your recommendations. It is clear you love your music, and enjoy sharing your insights. How you find time to listen to so many recordings, and write them up, I’m not sure. But it is much appreciated.


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Hi Richard, thank you for your kind words, it means a lot. To be honest it is tough to listen to so many recordings and I think my wife is not so happy with my listening habits! It is a bit of an obsession, it’s just something I have to do.

Anyway, thank you again. Take care.


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