Hi John. A version to consider in my opinion is the Sandor Vegh’s one with Camerata Academica Salzburg on DECCA. An out of print version but a great one. Vegh was a great Mozart conductor and this version is just in the middle between a Classic interpretation (slow Times) and the philological movement (small scale orchestra, precision in the articulation)

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Yet another one that I probably neglected due to time constraints. It was on my long list, and I listened to it. I recall something about it I didn't love, but it's been a while since I heard it. I really like Vegh with Mozart, the concertos with Andras Schiff are enjoyable. Thanks!

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And There is a Fantastic Capriccio box with several CDs of serenades, divertimenti and dances

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One of my favorites is by Josef Krips, with the Concertgebouw Orchestra. Greetings from Valencia, Spain.

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Thank you Niky! Valencia must be lovely this time of year, but perhaps hot. In Chiang Mai, Thailand now, which is beautiful, and also hot.

Krips seems to be one of the more underrated conductors of the 20th century. I listened to the Concertgebouw recording you mention, and I find it to be stately and elegant in a more traditional vein. Very well played, and the sound is smooth and clear. My bias is for somewhat quicker performances with more bite, but if this Krips were my only version of the symphony I would be quite happy.

Thank you for the recommendation!

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